About Aabsal

About Us

Aabsal PLC was established during 1956 with the name “Loabe Iran”
The founders of company were Mr. Aligholi Hakimnejad and Mr. Akbar Haghshenas two old friends. The
name of company was later changed to Universal and after the revolution in 1982 to Aabsal PLC.
Original capital of the company was 3 million Rials.
Before revolution due to ruling at the time companies with capital of 50 million Rials and over had to
join the stock exchange. Thereby the company title changed from private to public limited company.
The first product of the company was Swedish style enamel kitchen ware. Gas hobs and gas cooker were
added to products later.
During 1969 first 3000 water evaporative air coolers were manufactured under license of an American
In the following years portable gas room heater under license of Antar gas Co. of France. ceramic type
room heater under license of Radiation Co. of U.K also instantaneous water heaters were produced
under license of Ascot Co. of U.K.
All those products were being manufactured in Tehran location.
As the location of Tehran factory was quite small Mr. A Hakimnejad the CEO decided to purchase a plot
of land in Kaveh industrial city near Saveh city. The land was purchased in 1973 and construction started
during 1976.
The land was 150,000 sq meters. Ten times bigger than Tehran location.
Later 50,000 meters was purchased next to same land.
Now (2022) the total built workshop and storage is about 80,000 sq meters.
As the variety of products being produced had become too many to handle it was decided to only keep
water evaporative air coolers and room gas heaters.
Later, automatic washing machine was added to products. This was under license of Fagor of Spain.
The inauguration of washing machine plant was in 1996. This brought life to Saveh factory and later
large size air coolers and production of few models of gas heaters was also transferred to Saveh factory.
Presently Aabsal employs 830 personnel in both factories, Tehran and Saveh.