Contact us
Tehran factoryAddress: No3, Elm Va Sanat Ave, Hengam St, Narmak, TEHRAN-IRAN
Tel:(+9821) 77451002-4
Fax:(+9821) 77451009
P.O.Box: 16765-853
Email: info@aabsalco.com -
Saveh factoryAddress: 6th St, Kaveh Industrial City
Tel:(+9886) 42342046-49
Fax:(+9886) 42342050
Email: info@aabsalco.com
SalesAddress: N03, Elm Va Sanat Ave, Hengam St, Narmak, TEHRAN-IRAN
Tel:(+9821) 77455098
Tel:(+9821) 77451094
Fax:(+9821) 77451009
Email: onlinesales@aabsalco.com
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